My heart breaks while typing each and every letter of this blog post.
Much as happened since our last blog post and we apologize for not sending out an update earlier.
After our latest trip to Houston a few weeks ago, Michele had her third chemotherapy treatment, a small procedure to remove some fluid in her belly, another oncology appointment, and had begun going to a health & wellness center the last few days to receive vitamins, supplements, and prepared soups/smoothies/juices.
We were hopeful and optimistic that she would begin to feel a bit better and start to build back strength, inch by inch.
However, Michele wants to suffer no more and doesn’t want any of us to have to suffer either. Now she, not cancer, is going to control her own path.
This disease has progressed faster than any of us have been able to process. The combination of the cancer, the toxicity of the treatments, and the side effects from all the medication have just made Michele so weak – even amidst our greatest efforts on every front, constant research, many conversations, and prayers.
And Michele fought, she fought like hell. Believe me, we saw it on a daily basis. I can’t tell you how proud of her we are.
And she continues to fight.
We have a consultation with hospice today to discuss making her as comfortable as possible for the time we have left – however long that may be. We will keep you all updated on the plan. In the meantime, we are all just enjoying her company and absorbing every moment.
If you want to send a message to Michele we will gladly read it to her. You can email it to us at: [email protected]
If you have any questions, please give myself, Bradley, or Scott a call.
I’ve learned love can often be a selfish thing. We want to love people in the context of how we want it to be. We want to hold on so tight to how we want the relationship to be, how we want the love to be. But, learning to love someone through their own decisions, even if that means deciding to suffer no more, that is truly a higher form of love.
Zach, Bradley, and Scott
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