A tough but special day. Introducing CancerQ.


Friends & Family –

Today is a tough, yet special day.

Today would have been our mom’s 61st birthday. You know what, scratch that. Today IS her 61st birthday.

My brother Bradley and I are honoring her today with the launch of the first version of our digital cancer community, CancerQ. After months of research, conversations with experts, listening, Slack messages, meetings, and late nights, we couldn’t think of a better day to release version 1.0 to you.

Thanks to all those who have contributed and listened to us talk passionately.

Our mom’s nickname is Q, short for Questioner. Think of this site as your cancer headquarters, your CQ.

We’d love to get your feedback on the site, but more importantly, please share with anyone you know currently facing a cancer diagnosis or recently battled cancer.


Our site aims to help connect those faced with cancer to the most helpful, useful, tools and resources on a number of topics. To date, we have over 40+ resources available through our site. We make it easy and efficient to quickly access valuable, highly-curated resources when faced with a cancer diagnosis. There are many things you can do on the site ranging from signing up for our community newsletter, submitting feedback, sharing on social media, to becoming a CQ Ambassador.

This is the first step of many for us. We have lofty goals and big dreams – but first we need you, we need a community to help us grow.

CancerQ, this cancer headquarters, cancer community, is dedicated to our “Q”. We love you #forever.

Find us on Twitter
And on Facebook

Much love,

Zach & Bradley Weismann
Co-Founders, CancerQ


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