Into the Light

Today, September 14, 2014 surrounded by her family, my beautiful Mom passed away after fighting Pancreatic Cancer with all she had. We cannot thank everyone enough for their love and support during this most difficult time. My mom was a tremendous woman. She instilled a piece of her in Zach, my Dad and me that will stick with us for… Read more →


I have never been a solid sleeper. I’m sure I drove my parents nuts when I was younger. I was always late to get to bed, didn’t stay asleep, took forever to fall asleep or definitely protested waking up in the mornings. I will always remember my Mom’s constant efforts to help me sleep. She would read to Zach and… Read more →

Together, we can do anything.

My heart breaks while typing each and every letter of this blog post. Much as happened since our last blog post and we apologize for not sending out an update earlier. After our latest trip to Houston a few weeks ago, Michele had her third chemotherapy treatment, a small procedure to remove some fluid in her belly, another oncology appointment,… Read more →

“Houston, do you copy?”

You can always tell a true Texan by whether or not they include an apostrophe in the word — yall. (Yes it’s a word) So, howdy yall! Most of Team Michele just touched down in Houston (Don’t worry, we drove. We opted not to take the space shuttle) – “Houston, come in Houston, the eagle has landed.” And a few more… Read more →

Round 2, Fight!

It’s now day 8/6 since we went in for Chemo Round 2 and Michele continues to fight like a Champion (that’s 8 days since Chemo and 6 days since the slow-drip pump was removed). Taking the lessons we learned after Round 1, we have adapted and tweaked a few things to try and manage/stay ahead of side-effects. My mom has… Read more →

I second that!

On Tuesday Michele had her second chemotherapy treatment at UT Southwestern oncology center here in Dallas. Scott and I accompanied her, again prepped with plenty of entertainment and ginger ale. Michele took the treatment like a champ, sleeping for most of the time, and we were in and out of the treatment center faster than during the first round! We learned… Read more →

Strength in Numbers

Dear Friends & Family: I wanted to thank you so very much for all the support, well wishes, texts, e-mails, calls & visits over the last month. As I continue to recover from my first chemotherapy treatment, I am building strength day-by-day and have found much strength in numbers from my amazing support team. Thank you so much for all… Read more →

#Stories of Strength: One Tough Cookie

We all know Michele is one tough cookie. Having been raised by Michele, believe me, Bradley and I have a long list of rather embarrassing childhood stories, where at the time, we were just too young to understand all of these acts were done out of an endless love and fierce support. I remember my first day of freshman orientation… Read more →

Central Market Catering

Hi Team, As Michele recovers and gains back her strength each day, many of you have expressed interest in helping out where possible. Fortunately, Central Market in Plano (off Coit Road) has a wonderful catering department that has offered to help arrange, coordinate, and deliver meals. The team has created a profile for Michele and we have provided them with… Read more →

The Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines!

On Friday, Michele started her first chemotherapy treatment at UT Southwestern bright and early at 7:00 AM! Michele’s chemotherapy cocktail is comprised of four powerful drugs, which will greatly aid us in this battle. As Michele told the nurses, it was time to call in additional support from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines (she aptly named her four drugs).… Read more →